Book a Consultation

How does it work?

  1. We start with a free 10 minute, no-obligation consultation or e-mail exchange to establish your expectations and my ability to help and meet your expectations.
  2. Should you decide to proceed to the next step I’ll send you a detailed questionnaire which you complete over a two-week period, which includes a seven-day diet diary.
  3. You will be asked to provide information covering previous pathology test results, imaging reports, previous treatment trials and specialist reports you have available. More information I have prior to the consultation the better I can help you.
  4. It will take me around 60 min to review the questionnaire and provided information to establish your first treatment plan which we will discuss in a 90- minute appointment online via zoom or other telehealth platform. This may include further tests. Depending in which country you live, I will advise you where to get the tests done. Some of these can be done via your General Practioner.
  5. Depending of the complexity of your issues, we will organise an online follow-up appointment according to the first treatment plan. This can be between two and 10 weeks later.
  6. The goal of Functional Medicine treatment plans is to find the root cause of your issue, to educate and develop an individual treatment plan with you – not for you. The approach will teach you to take responsibility for your own and individual health and life journey and you will be able to manage independently. My role is to support you to find your individual path of healing, health and wellbeing.

What does it cost?

You will be emailed an estimate of cost following step 1. It is important to note that this is an estimate and the final cost will be based on the actual time taken. Please talk to us about payment options.

deep inner health consultaton

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Functional Medicine

We can help you to achieve balanced health and wellbeing via a Functional Medicine Approach.